The Awajún or Aguaruna in Spanish, are an indigenous people of the Peruvian Amazon, who speak Awajún or Aguaruna. Historically, they lived primarily on the banks of the Marañón River, a tributary of the Amazon in northern Peru near the border with Ecuador. Currently, they possess titled community lands in four of Peru’s regions: Amazonas, Cajamarca, Loreto, and San Martin. According to Peru’s 1993 Census the Awajún numbered approximately 45,000. World Census data for 2000 lists their population at just over 38,000.
The Consejo Aguaruna Huambisa (CAH), an organization founded in 1977, represents the Awajún and a closely related ethnic group, the Wampis or Huambisa. Since then, Awajún community organizers have founded more than 12 local organizations, including an Awajún women’s federation.
The Consejo Aguaruna Huambisa is widely regarded as the primary political entity representing the Awajún and Wampis peoples. The Awajún, through the Consejo Aguaruna Huambisa, played a central role in national level indigenous movements in Peru and in the founding of the Coordinating Body of Indigenous Organizations of the Amazon Basin (COICA), which represents Amazonian peoples from all over the South American continent.
Through the network Deep in Forests and partner organization Ecotribal, designer Violeta Villacorta met Awajún-Wampis representative Ambrocio Uwak. He connected her with artisans from the Women’s Association of the Nor-Oriental Awajún Region (AMARNO).
In July 2011, upon their invitation, Violeta visited their community to meet the Awajún artisans. This visit started their partnership. The Awajún artisans are a highly talented and skilled group of women who are devoted to their artistry. The exquisite traditional Awajún accessories and contemporary collections, made with seeds and other plant fiber materials, are developed in partnership with Awajún artisans. Visit our online Shop to purchase Awajún Amazon rainforest jewelry and accessories.
Visit our videos section to watch videos of our time in Urakusa.
Silvia Ukuncham Yuu
Luz Fernandez Cubas
Tabita Yuu Wishu
Mariana Peten Tiigoso
Debora Anjis Tiwi
Celina Atsuam Chumpi
Soledad Longinote Magica
Esther Tuesta Ikanam
Irene Paukai Tuesta
Eunice Paukai Sebastian
Narcisa Sebastian Suanco
Rosa Paukai Sebastian
Magaly Wasum Wipio
Beatriz Wipio Shikio
Balbina Paukai Sebastian
Fredezvinda Temios Weepiu
Isabel Paucai Atamain
Marisol Weepiu Mashigkash
Drocila Taki Ukuncham
Celestina Paukai Atamain
Justina Ukuncham Weepiu
Semilia Pijushkun Ukuncham
Clementina Taki Ukuncham
Yeny Jempes
Ermina Wajuyat Paati
Raquel Paukai
Lodia Paucai Wasum
Antonia Paredes Sanchez
Carolina Samekash Wasum
Virginia Paukai Sebastian
Raquel Caimat Chios
Virginia Jima Paukai
Bacilia Weepiu Shikiu
Juana Piitug Aneg
Diana Samekash Wasum
Digna Paukai Tuesta
Eninora Wipio Shikio
Edith Wipio Orrego
Marcelina Ashaas Tsawan
Rosi Weepiu Tsawan
Claudia Almeida Paukai
Meliza Ramos Taki
Cleofe Paukai Tuesta
Mely Wipio Mashigkash
Marilyn Paukai Sebastian
Delsy Orrego Wipio
Rosalina Pitug Wipiu
Dora Wipio Shikio
Gloria Paukai Aneg
Marcelina Paukai Aneg
Juliana Mujat Dupis
Ortencia Ipukui Orrego