Abel Villacorta, Marketing & Branding, ORG by vio Logo Design, solbrandesign.com
Teresa Inés Cruz, Eco Brand and Business Strategy, Founder at AYNI
Alison Casson Illustrations at alisoncasson.com
Iris Debelder Photography at irisdebelder.com
Jeff Byrnes Photography at Créama Buscaro
Cska Schofield at Creative Heart Nectar
Scott Aschenbrenner at Asch Photography
Gerard Boucher Photography
Theo & Juliet Photography at theoandjuliet.com
Jeff Cremer Photography at peruphototours.com
Gregor Soleo Galos Photography
Alison Gladieux Make-Up at alisongladieux.com
Ionia Design Studio at ioniadesign.com
Janet Gallegos Hair
Carol Jahshan
Fahmina at fahmina.com
Martha Aspinwall
Anna Panici
Cheryl Freeman at FFS
Wamuhu Waweru at primitivemodernarts.com
Stephanie Helguera
Dylan Farnham at sageblades.com
Ana Villacorta
Violeta Gonzales Diaz
Roberto Persivale at asesorandes.com
Kurt Holle at Rainforest Expeditions
Gerry Cooklin at PaTS
Amazon Watch at amazonwatch.org
WeDharma at wedharma.com
Deep in Forests
Asociación Sukû
Cofán Community of Dureno
Awajún Community in Urakusa, Perú
Eco Divas
Designers and Agents
Coco Eco Magazine
Distinctive Style Magazine
All the contributors who helped fund the first phase of our work in the Amazon in the Cofán Community of Dureno, Ecuador
In 2010
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Funders & Supporters of Our Work in 2012
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