The Yanesha or Amuesha are indigenous people of the Peruvian Amazon rainforest with a population of about 7,000 living in 48 communities in the Pasco, Junin and Huanuco regions. Their territories are located at elevations ranging from 656 to 5,249 feet above sea level, with many living along rivers such as Palcazu, the river for which the Palcazu Valley is named.
The Yanesha have been working with PaTS for over 10 years, developing a harmonious balance between humans and nature through the implementation of programs that equally benefit the ecosystem and economic growth for the community. PaTS is focused on sustainable projects that help protect the forests. “Pats” comes from the Yanesha language and means Earth. PaTS is an acronym for Partnership and Technology for Sustainability.
In 2013, we partnered with PaTS organization and the Yanesha community in the Palcazu Valley (Oxapampa, Pasco) to create beautiful works of wearable art, incorporating traditional artistry like weaving and new skills such as wood carving and sculpting. The trainings that were held over 8 months covered the traditional skills used by the artisans and new techniques with an emphasis on wood carving.
By using managed forest wood, they are able to save trees from being illegally logged. Instead of selling an ancient tree solely for its wood, select trees are chosen to make a variety of products including jewelry and furniture. Each tree translates into about $2,000 for the Yanesha instead of a mere $100 for its wood. This helps protect their forests and generates a sustainable income for their community.
We have created an exquisite line of jewelry made with managed forest wood, weaving and plant fibers. Visit our online shop or our brick and mortar extension, the Sage & the Butterfly, to shop the Yanesha collection.
Hortencia Misai Peres
Ester Pascual Dionisio
Matilda Magaly Benavides
Magaly Toribio Solano
Clara Manuel Miguel
Cristina Chihuanco
Yovana Cayetano Mariño
Ada Lopez Francisco
Adela Francisco
Clarisa Ahuash Berna
Gelga Lopez Ahuash
Mercedes Francisco Quinchuya
Angela Lopez Shañivo
Maritza Suares Espiritu
Aurora Elena Pepe
Enma Ballesteros Gimenes
Kelly Machari Ballesteros
Marilu Machari Ballesteros
Leticia Mariño Sedano
Jocabet Mariño Pachari
Berta Mariño Pachari
Julia Soto Juaquin
Margarita Lopez Cañivo
Cristina Mariño Shanigua
Elva Miguel Lopez
Adelia Perez Edeña
Raquel Sedano Gabriel
Yessica Sedano Francisco
Sara Lopez Machari
Adela Machari Ortiz
Guisela Lopez Machari
Nelly Mariño Solano
Sara Dominga Velasco
Narcisa Mateo Lopez
Flora Ballesteros Bautista
Alegría Sedano Victoriano
Juana Ramos Espinoza
Nancy Arista Lopez
Noemi Peña Torres
Roly Velasco Sebastian