ORG by vio Exhibit Opening in Ecuador on June 5th
If you are in Quito, Ecuador, or have friends and family there, we invite you to come to the opening of ORG by vio exhibit and work with Amazon artisans at La Cuchara de San Marcos. La Cuchara de San Marcos is a private initiative that promotes healthy foods and supports Eco Arts, as a way to confront environmental problems globally and locally. Join the Cofán artisans of Asociación Sukû for rainforest culture and arts at the opening reception on June 5th. Exhibit runs through July 5th, 2013.
La Cuchara de San Marcos @ Calle Junín E3-121, Barrio San Marcos, Centro Histórico de Quito, Ecuador. Tel: 2951713 / 094154886. Tuesday-Saturdays 12-10pm. Sundays & Holidays 11am-6pm.